Sunday, September 2, 2012

New in: Loafers!

Studded flats

studded loafers

leopard flats

leopard loafers

leopard print flats

Yes, I know what your thinking! They are so lovely and very AFFORDABLE! I had to buy both when I found then in SM Department Shoes yesterday. I've been wanting to have one of each since they were invented but then my cheap self doesn't want to spend sky high for loafers like these. I'm so happy to finally own these 2 lovely loafers.

I remembered trying the studded flats I saw in Forever 21, I fell for it of course but my wallet didn't. So I ended up not buying it because it was double the price of the this studded loafers I got from Parisian Shoes. Same as with the leopard loafers that I saw from People Are People, it wast above my budget thinking that they are flats but they cost a lot. Good thing, a local brand like Parisian Shoes makes trendy loafers like this in a very affordable price. An ultimate good find for a cheapsteake like me!

In times like this, you don't need to spend to much on branded shoes just to be fashionable. The number rule to dressing up is being able to BRING IT, no matter what brand it is. May it be from Divisoria or from Neiman Marcus.


Hi Fellow Fashionista! I'd love to hear from you. I'll make sure to visit your site as well. Keep on loving life and fashion!